
Reimbursements vs Refunds: Who, Where, Why?

Have you ever wanted to reimburse travel expenses for a speaker at a seminar you put on? Or have you ever needed to refund a ticket holder for an event that was cancelled? You may have logged into HuskyBuy and thought, “Wait… do I reimburse or provide a refund using HuskyBuy or Concur?” Procurement Services and Accounts Payable would like to help you by clarifying any confusion between reimbursements and refunds you may have. We also want to take this opportunity to inform you with whom and when you should provide reimbursements and refunds.

With the help of UConn Travel, Accounts Payable, Procurement’s Center of Excellence has put together this guide to help you determine your best avenue to reimburse or refund appropriately.

Refund vs Reimbursement Guide

FY26 Blanket Orders and Requisitions

HuskyBuy, on March 11 will be ready for submission of new requisitions and blanket PO requests for FY26.  These orders will be released on the last day of the Fiscal Year.  For Blanket Orders you can create a new requisition by navigating to the HuskyBuy shopping home page and select the Non-Catalog Blanket Order form.

Important Resources:

A few other important announcements:

  1. The State of Connecticut is in the process revising GL71, which provides several sourcing exemptions utilized by the University. We will provide updates as we find out more information about these changes.  Please continue utilizing existing processes during this time.
  2. Paid Employee Recruitment Advertising: The process for ordering paid employee recruitment ads is changing for this upcoming fiscal year.  Departments will be responsible for processing their own quantity, non-quantity, and/or blanket orders directly with our contracted supplier, Graystone “GBSA”.  If a quote is provided for a one-off ad placement, please reference the quote number on the requisition in HuskyBuy.

Please refer to the guides on our Knowledge Base or contact HuskyBuy Support for further assistance on setting up orders if needed.  Please direct any other questions regarding advertisement for employee recruitment to Human Resources.

Full FY26 Announcement

Staples on HuskyBuy!

Staples Logo

The University of Connecticut (UConn) is excited to announce that Staples will be joining our team of office supply vendors!

Staples will provide UConn with competitive pricing, exceptional customer service, and fast & free delivery on all of their office supply products. Take advantage of their product offerings through their on-line catalog, which is anticipated to go live in HuskyBuy on Monday February 24, 2025.

UConn Staples Announcement

HuskyBuy Support Documentation Moves to UConn Knowledge Base

HuskyBuy Logo White

We would like to announce that all HuskyBuy job aids have moved to the UConn Knowledge Base, effective immediately. These helpful instructions can now be found here: If you have previously saved a bookmark/favorite in your internet browser, you will need to update that with this new knowledge base link.

Additionally, we are working to create video walk throughs for several processes, starting with the Supplier registration process.

For further information please contact

USA Scientific Transition to Punchout Catalog


Starting Monday July 1st, USA Scientific will transition to a punchout catalog.  All orders for USA Scientific will be processed using their punchout catalog, including quoted orders in most cases.  You may find some items blocked from ordering on the USA Sci punchout, often these are items where USA is not the exclusive distributor or the items are available through the Fisher Scientific punchout.  Blocked items may still be purchased from USA by submitting a manual order using the Goods & Services Form.  Notify the Research Purchasing team if you have any questions regarding USA Scientific ordering.  For instructions on using the punchout please view the USA Scientific Catalog Instruction Guide. This guide will help you with general use of the punchout catalog as well as the Quote to Cart feature.

HuskyBuy Broadcast – FY25 Blanket Orders and Requisitions

HuskyBuy, on March 11 will be ready for submission of new requisitions and blanket PO requests for FY25.  For Blanket Orders you can create a new requisition by navigating to the HuskyBuy shopping home page and select the Non-Catalog Blanket Order form. Due to bid threshold updates, copying previous year’s Blanket Orders will not be accepted this year.

Complete Instructions for preparing your FY25 Blanket Orders and Requisitions

HuskyBuy PCard Software Exception Process

In Fall 2022, to assist with guiding our end-user community in software purchasing and mitigating institutional risk, Procurement Services changed its PCard policy to allow software purchases by exception only.  As a follow-up to those initial changes, Procurement, in collaboration with the Information Security Office and University Privacy Officer, will be piloting an exception review and approval form in HuskyBuy, effective 7/12/2023. 

The streamlined review of PCard requested software and cloud purchases helps to ensure that the potential Supplier’s privacy and security policies and practices protect confidential University data. These changes help ensure that University PCard holders are considering the data security and privacy implications and potential risks of purchasing software and cloud services and that they receive support from Procurement, Information Security, and Privacy. Continue reading

Hotel & Events Services Form Request

By Popular Demand, Procurement Services introduces the new Hotel & Event Services request form!

Did you know that you can use your Travel Card for purchases such as hotel room blocks and catering for events?  To provide the University community with guidance and a method of managing requests pertaining to hotel and event services that are being paid via a Travel Card and require a document to be signed, a new form is available in HuskyBuy on the Home Shopping Page under Internal Request Forms.  Continue reading

Bid Threshold Increase Reminder

As a reminder, our Bid Threshold has increased. With that, a few things to remember. When completing our non-catalog requisition forms, you will notice there are more Sourcing Dollar Threshold selections to choose from. Please pay close attention to the selection that best suits your requirements.

Changes were implemented on October 1, 2023.

For more details read the full announcement.