The annual notice of financial year-end deadlines for contracts, commitments, expenditures and other transactions is located at the following link: Fiscal Year-End Deadlines 6/30/2022. Your attention to and assistance in meeting these deadlines are necessary to ensure an orderly closing of University financial records and the audit of the financial statements that ensues following the close. As with any close of a fiscal year, the Finance team members are committed to assisting you with your procurement and reimbursement needs. We will continue to process all documents in accordance with Federal, State and University requirements, in support of operational, educational and research activities during this period.
Ethyl Alcohol Purchases
Whether ordering from Greenfield Global (Pharmco), Fisher, Sigma or other HuskyBuy vendors, all ethyl alcohol purchases require the following handling:
Orders are placed in HuskyBuy, Central Warehouse no longer supplies.
Assign Commodity Code 85, Chemicals.
For Storrs locations, use CS CHEM ship to address unless the order is for the Chemistry Dept. (see Chemical Orders Job Aid on the HuskyBuy Job Aid webpage.)
Order MUST include “PERMIT # TF-CT-7 IS A VALID PERMIT” keyed to the “Notes to Supplier” field or the ”Product Description Field” following the product description detail. The vendor may not process your order without this statement clearly detailed on the PO .
Greenfield Global contact info:, Phone: 1-800-456-1017, orders are submitted in HuskyBuy via Goods & Services Form.
Fisher Sci & Sigma – refer to HuskyBuy punchout for ordering.
HuskyBuy Broadcast – Ready Refresh is “ready” to serve you!
As the University community comes back on to campus, you may discover that your water cooler service was disrupted and needs to be reinstated with Ready Refresh.
For the fastest resolution, you are welcome to give Ready Refresh a call at (844) 855-4596 on weekdays 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM. You can also email Ready Refresh at for any account assistance. Remember to always have your account # available. You can download and print out this Ready Refresh Enterprise Information Document with this information and post in your office for convenience.
If you would like to review the Water Cooler Guideline, please visit: Water_Cooler_Guideline.pdf
DATTCO Exclusive Motorcoach Transportation Provider
Beginning July 1, 2021, the University partnered with DATTCO as its exclusive motorcoach transportation provider.
As we move through the Fall semester, we encourage any groups on campus looking to book motor coach travel to do so as far in advance as possible, preferably as many as 45-60 days in advance. Any bookings done inside of 30 days to travel can present significant operational challenges.
To book motor coach bus transportation with DATTCO, please visit to obtain a quote. Once the quote is received, process a requisition using the Goods and Services form in HuskyBuy and attach the quote along with the business purpose for the trip. Continue reading
New GovConnection Contract
The University recently issued a bid jointly with Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) in order to obtain direct contracts with IT suppliers and resellers. One of the primary goals of this joint effort was to use combined bargaining power to obtain best-in-class discount rates for commonly purchased IT goods and services across Connecticut’s public universities. Continue reading
DATTCO Motorcoach Transportation Partner
Fraudulent Toner Activity Alert
Procurement Services has recently been made aware of fraudulent activity relating to the “alleged” purchase of toner, printing supplies and/or service. It appears that someone has been calling departments on campus to discuss a “placed” order and seeking to verify address delivery information. Please be advised that this is fraudulent and you should not provide such requested information. Continue reading